Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and the Human Intuition

Hello! How is your 2018 going so far? What is the best thing that happened to you (or that you made happen) in 2018 up to date? What are you looking forward to? (Yes, I really want to know! Please, drop me a line! )

Thank you to all of you who participated int the Magic2018 project, where I invited to to start the year with an intensive, personalized strategic planning session to figure out your next moves in your career and life, AND get the full experience at a fraction of the cost, AND support a great cause. All the spots were filled, and $800 will be split between music programs between one local middle school and one local elementary school, to be used at the discretion of the music teachers. THANK YOU!

Now… If you are a New Yorker, you are in luck, as I would like to introduce you to someone truly extraordinary. Dr. Viktor Dörfler, whose research is focused on modelling personal knowledge, learning and cognition, as well as knowledge-based expert systems, has interviewed 17 Nobel Laureates to understand the way top science experts think. Next week, Dr. Dörfler is giving a talk on Big Data, AI, and the Human Intuition in NYC. If you are interested in the topic, you simply can’t miss this talk.

The talk is free, but registration is REQUIRED.

Day: Monday, Feb. 5th, 2018
Time: 6-7p.m. Talk, 7-8p.m. Q&A and Networking
Location: Midtown Manhattan (see registration for details, please)

Will AI ever match the masterful leadership of an outstanding CEO, deeply moving writing of a great poet, or nurturing care of a hospital nurse?

Based on interviews with some of the world’s top scientists, including 17 Nobel Laureates, as well as with 18 of the world’s best chefs, Dr. Dörfler takes the stand on inimitability of exceptional human performance.

In this talk, Dr. Dörfler will:
·        Contrast the way computers process data with the way human experts think
·        Explore the difference between learning algorithms of Artificial Intelligence and human learning
·        Argue that while Big Data Analysis can get us more data and faster, it is not, and will never be, an adequate substitute for human thinking

The most exceptional achievements of the future, according to Dr. Dörfler, will result from the intuitive knowledge of smart people who are supported by smart technology, rather than just by smart technology alone.

I hope to see you there! (Please, say hello to me if you make it to the talk! I’d love to see you in person!)

With love and gratitude,



Familiarity Without Contempt


What will 2018 bring? (Or How to Be Your Own “Psychic”)